The hardware is, according to RHEL within the VM, Dual Xeon X5660 2.8GHz
( 6 core, 12MB cache) with 6GB memory using SAN space for dbspace
storage. The box's only purpose is the Informix DB and we are primarily
a OLTP environment, but at night we do many DSS style batch jobs via
This was crafted based on our current 9.4 onconfig and looking at the
onconfig.std from 11.1, we now realize the physlog and logical logs will
be created within rootdbs upon initialization and then they will be
changed to different size and dbspace.
# Title: onconfig (for 11.1)
# Description: INFORMIX-OnLine Configuration Parameters
# Root Dbspace Configuration
ROOTNAME rootdbs # Root dbspace name
ROOTPATH /db/links/rootdbs # Path for device
containing root dbspace
ROOTOFFSET 0 # Offset of root
dbspace into device (Kbytes)
ROOTSIZE 102400 # Size of root
dbspace (Kbytes)
# Disk Mirroring Configuration Parameters
MIRROR 0 # Mirroring flag (Yes
= 1, No = 0)
MIRRORPATH # Path for device
containing mirrored root
MIRROROFFSET 0 # Offset into mirrored
device (Kbytes)
# Physical Log Configuration
PHYSDBS physdbs # Location (dbspace)
of physical log
PHYSFILE 102400 # Physical log file
size (Kbytes)
PHYSBUFF 128 # Physical log buffer
size (Kbytes)
# Logical Log Configuration
LOGFILES 3 # Number of logical
log files
LOGSIZE 10240 # Logical log size
DYNAMIC_LOGS 2 # Add logical logs
files dynamically/automatically - newly added for 11.1
LOGBUFF 64 # Logical log buffer
size (Kbytes)
# Long Transaction Rollback
LTXHWM 70 # Long transaction
high water mark percentage
LTXEHWM 80 # Long transaction
high water mark (exclusive)
#Tblspace tblspace in Root dbspace
TBLTBLFIRST 0 # First extent size
(Kbytes) (0 = default)
TBLTBLNEXT 0 # Next extent size
(Kbytes) (0 = default)
# Diagnostics
MSGPATH /i11.1FC3/online.log # System message log
file path
CONSOLE /dev/console # System console
message path
ALARMPROGRAM /db/scripts/ # Alarm program path
# System Archive Tape Device
TAPEDEV /remote/recovery/informix/level0 # Tape device path
TAPEBLK 16 # Tape block size
TAPESIZE 30720000 # Maximum amount of
data to put on tape (Kbytes)
# Log Archive Tape Device
LTAPEDEV /remote/recovery/informix/log1 # Log tape device
LTAPEBLK 16 # Log tape block size
LTAPESIZE 460800 # Max amount of data
to put on log tape (Kbytes)
# System Configuration
SERVERNUM 1 # Unique id
corresponding to a OnLine instance
DBSERVERNAME courtshm # Name of default
database server
DBSERVERALIASES # List of alternate
#Network Configuration
NETTYPE soctcp,4,150,NET
NETTYPE ipcshm,1,25,NET
FASTPOLL 1 # fast polling enabled
- added for 11.1
LISTEN_TIMEOUT 30 # Timeout (in Seconds)
#CPU & VPs
RESIDENT 0 # Forced residency
flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)
single-processor, 1 for multi-processor
SINGLE_CPU_VP 0 # multiple CPU VPs
VPCLASS cpu,num=12,noage #
VPCLASS aio,num=2
AUTO_AIOVPS 1 # auto adds AIO VPs if
VPCLASS idsxmlvp,num=1 # for xml
function usage
DIRECT_IO 1 # enabled (Yes = 1, No
= 0) will use KAIO if enabled.
CLEANERS 2 # Number of buffer
cleaner processes (guideline is 1 per disk drive)
#Do not use the following if we have the VPCLASS in use
#NUMAIOVPS 2 # Number of IO vps
#NUMCPUVPS 2 # Number of user (cpu)
#NOAGE 0 # Process aging
#AFF_SPROC 0 # Affinity start
#AFF_NPROCS 0 # Affinity number of
# Shared Memory #BUFFERPOOL - replaces buffers, lrus, lru_min_dirty, &
lru_mas_dirty - needs two lines
LOCKS 200000 # Maximum number of
#BUFFERS 150000 # Maximum number of
shared buffers - not used in 11.1
SHMBASE 0x44000000L # Shared memory base
SHMVIRTSIZE 160000 # initial virtual
shared memory segment size
SHMADD 81920 # Size of new shared
memory segments (Kbytes)
SHMTOTAL 0 # Total shared memory
(Kbytes). 0=>unlimited
EXTSHMADD 8192 # Size of new
extension shared memory segments (Kbytes)
SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG 0.000000 # Values between 0 and
.99 are %, values > 1 are
#LRUS 20 # Number of LRU queues
#LRU_MAX_DIRTY 5.000000 # LRU percent dirty
begin cleaning limit
#LRU_MIN_DIRTY 2.000000 # LRU percent dirty
end cleaning limit
PC_POOLSIZE 110 # Stored Procedures
#Checkpoints & System Block
CKPTINTVL 300 # Check point interval
(in sec)
AUTO_CKPTS 1 # Monitor critical
resources and trigger
RTO_SERVER_RESTART 0 # Recovery Time
Objective for IDS restart after
BLOCKTIMEOUT 3600 # Default timeout for
system block
#OS & Session Features
USEOSTIME 0 # 0: use internal
time(fast), 1: get time from OS(slow)
STACKSIZE 128 # Stack size (Kbytes)
USELASTCOMMITTED NONE # Wait on locks in any
isolation level
ALLOW_NEWLINE 0 # embedded
newlines(Yes = 1, No = 0 or anything but 1)
EILSEQ_COMPAT_MODE 0 # Enables error
message -202
#Distributed Transactions
TXTIMEOUT 300 # Transaction timeout
(in sec)
DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of
lock in distributed env.
# Recovery Variables
# OFF_RECVRY_THREADS: # Number of parallel
worker threads during fast recovery or an offline restore.
# ON_RECVRY_THREADS: # Number of parallel
worker threads during an online restore.
OFF_RECVRY_THREADS 15 # Default number of
offline worker threads
ON_RECVRY_THREADS 15 # Default number of
online worker threads
# Data Replication Variables
# DRAUTO: 0 manual, 1 retain type, 2 reverse type
DRINTERVAL 30 # DR max time between
DR buffer flushes (in sec)
DRTIMEOUT 30 # DR network timeout
(in sec)
DRLOSTFOUND /usr/informix/etc/dr.lostfound # DR lost+found file
# Read Ahead Variables
RA_PAGES 64 # Number of pages to
attempt to read ahead
RA_THRESHOLD 16 # Number of pages left
before next group
#Temp & Perm dbspaces & sbspaces
DBSPACETEMP tempdbs1,tempdbs2,tempdbs3,tempdbs4
# Default temp dbspaces
ONDBSPACEDOWN 0 # Dbspace down option:
0 = CONTINUE, 1 = ABORT, 2 = WAIT for User Input
SBSPACENAME # Default smartblob
space name - this is where blobs
SYSSBSPACENAME # Default smartblob
space for use by the Informix
# DUMP*:
# The following parameters control the type of diagnostics information
# is preserved when an unanticipated error condition (assertion failure)
# during OnLine operations.
# For DUMPSHMEM, DUMPGCORE and DUMPCORE 1 means Yes, 0 means No.
DUMPDIR /tmp # Preserve diagnostics
in this directory
DUMPSHMEM 0 # Dump a copy of
shared memory
DUMPGCORE 0 # Dump a core image
using 'gcore'
DUMPCORE 0 # Dump a core image
(Warning:this aborts OnLine)
DUMPCNT 1 # Number of shared
memory or gcore dumps for a single user's session
# ADT*
# The following parameters control the type and level of secure auditing
# present in the OnLine system. By default, ADTMODE is 0 and auditing
# is disabled
#Index Features
FILLFACTOR 90 # Fill factor for
building indexes
MAX_FILL_DATA_PAGES 0 # Fill data pages
maximally (Yes = 1, No = 0)
ONLIDX_MAXMEM 5120 # Per pool per index
# Parallel Database Queries (pdq) # OFF => 0, LOW => 1, HIGH => 100
MAX_PDQPRIORITY 90 # Maximum allowed
DS_MAX_QUERIES 15 # Maximum number of
decision support queries
DS_TOTAL_MEMORY # Decision support
memory (Kbytes)
DS_MAX_SCANS 250 # Maximum number of
decision support scans
DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM 128 # Non PDQ query memory
#Optimizer Plans, Directives, & SQL Tracing
# 0 => Nested loop joins will be preferred (where possible) over
sortmerge joins and hash joins.
# 1 => If the transaction isolation mode is not "repeatable read",
optimizer behaves as in (2) below. Otherwise it behaves as in (0)
# 2 => Use costs regardless of the transaction isolation mode. Nested
loop joins are not necessarily preferred. Optimizer bases its decision
purely on costs.
OPTCOMPIND 2 # To hint the
OPT_GOAL -1 # Optimize for all
rows that the query returns
DIRECTIVES 1 # Enable optimizer
IFX_FOLDVIEW 0 # fold multiple tables
or union all view with ansi joins
EXPLAIN_STAT 1 # Enable Query
Statistics in EXPLAIN file.
AUTO_REPREPARE 1 # Automatically
re-optimize after DDL
#Optical Storage Subsystem
INFORMIX-OnLine/Optical staging area
OPCACHEMAX 0 # Maximum optical
cache size (Kbytes)
#Onbar settings
BAR_ACT_LOG /tmp/bar_act.log
BAR_DEBUG_LOG /tmp/bar_dbug.log # ON-Bar Debug Log - not in /tmp
#Alarm Program Feature
SYSALARMPROGRAM /i11.1FC3/etc/ # System Alarm program
ALRM_ALL_EVENTS 0 # Triggers
ALARMPROGRAM for any event occur
#Informix Storage Manager
ISM_DATA_POOL ISMData # If the data pool
name is changed, be sure to
#Java Configuration
JVPJAVAHOME /i11.1FC3/extend/krakatoa/jre/# JRE installation
root directory
JVPHOME /i11.1FC3/extend/krakatoa/ # Krakatoa
installation directory
JVPPROPFILE .jvpprops # JVP property file
JDKVERSION 1.4 # JDK version
supported by this server
JVMTHREAD green # Java VM thread type
(green or native)
JVPJAVALIB /bin/j9vm
JVPLOGFILE /i11.1FC3/jvp.log # JVP log file.
#Other ER Features
CDR_SERIAL 0,0 # Serial Column
CDR_DBSPACE # dbspace for syscdr
CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE # CDR queue dbspace
(default same as catalog)
smart blob spaces
CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS 0 # Dynamic log addition
disabled by default
CDR_EVALTHREADS 1,2 # evaluator threads
CDR_DSLOCKWAIT 10 # DS lockwait timeout
CDR_QUEUEMEM 4096 # Maximum amount of
memory for any CDR queue (Kbytes)
CDR_NIFCOMPRESS 0 # Link level
compression (-1 never, 0 none, 9 max)
IFX_EXTEND_ROLE 1 # To control the usage
of EXTEND role.
#High Availability Clusters (HDR, SDS, & RSS)
DRAUTO 0 # DR automatic
DRIDXAUTO 0 # DR automatic index
repair. 0=off, 1=on
LOG_INDEX_BUILDS 0 # logically log
content of indexes
SDS_ENABLE 0 # SDS Activation 0 -
no, 1 - yes
SDS_TIMEOUT 10 # Time Delay that
Primary will wait for any ACK
SDS_PAGING # Paging File Location
#Technical Support Parameters
RAS_PLOG_SPEED 0 # IDS RAS param; do
not change; auto updated
RAS_LLOG_SPEED 561 # IDS RAS param; do
not change; auto updated
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Art Kagel
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: rootdbs size [21974]
Just for the heck of it, post the entire ONCONFIG file.
Art S. Kagel
Advanced DataTools (
IIUG Board of Directors (
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions
do not reflect on my employer, Advanced DataTools, the IIUG, nor any
organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly,
or by
inference. Neither do those opinions reflect those of other individuals
affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the
entities themselves.
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Kennedy, Randy
> We are trying to initialize our 11.1FC3 install on RHEL 5 as part of
> upgrade to a VMware server and from an existing HP/UX-9.4 environment.
> We are using raw devices for our chunks.
> Based on our 9.4 installed, I created chunks for rootdbs of 350MB and
> chunk for physdbs of 100MB. The onconfig values were 358400 & 102400
> respectively.
> When we did oninit -I, we received the following error in the log:
> 12:36:02 oninit: Not enough room in ROOT DBspace.
> Requested 605198K, ONCONFIG value 'ROOTSIZE' 300000K.
> So I made a 650MB chunk for rootdbs and did another oninit -I and
> received a message about physdbs needing to be the same size as
> I made a 650MB chunk for physdbs and did another oninit -I and
> this message. We also changed the onconfig values to 614400 since that
> is what the message originally told us it wanted and wanted physdbs to
> match rootdbs.
> 12:44:33 oninit: Not enough room in ROOT DBspace.
> Requested 1127438K, ONCONFIG value 'ROOTSIZE' 614400K
> What are we not getting right and why does 11.1 want the physdbs to be
> the same size as the rootdbs?
> Thanks,
> Randy
> Forum Note: Use "Reply" to post a response in the discussion forum.
Forum Note: Use "Reply" to post a response in the discussion forum.