I'm not sure how to attach a file to a message, so I'll post the files inline:
11:03:45 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
11:03:45 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
11:03:45 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
11:03:45 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
11:03:45 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 11:03:45 2011
11:03:45 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
11:12:11 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
11:12:11 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
11:12:11 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
11:12:11 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
11:12:11 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 11:12:11 2011
11:12:11 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
11:12:12 Booting Language <c> from module <>
11:12:12 Loading Module <CNULL>
11:12:12 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
11:12:12 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
11:12:18 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
11:12:18 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
11:12:18 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
11:12:19 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
11:12:19 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
11:12:19 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
11:12:19 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
11:12:19 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
11:12:19 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
11:12:19 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9106).
11:12:19 Physical Recovery Complete: 13 Pages Examined, 13 Pages Restored.
11:12:19 Logical Recovery Started.
11:12:19 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
11:12:20 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
11:12:20 Logical Recovery Complete.
0 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
11:12:21 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
11:12:21 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
11:12:21 Global Row Counter(Reset) 30064771072 00000000
11:12:21 Init operation complete - Mode Online
11:12:22 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
11:12:22 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x271018, timestamp: 0x4f8d8a Interval: 210
11:12:22 Maximum server connections 0
11:12:22 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 17, Llog used 2
11:12:22 On-Line Mode
11:12:24 SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
11:12:26 Booting Language <spl> from module <>
11:12:26 Loading Module <SPLNULL>
11:12:26 SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
11:12:26 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
11:12:26 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
11:46:52 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
11:46:52 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
11:46:52 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
11:46:52 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
11:46:52 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 11:46:52 2011
11:46:52 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
11:46:52 Booting Language <c> from module <>
11:46:52 Loading Module <CNULL>
11:46:52 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
11:46:52 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
11:46:58 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
11:46:59 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
11:46:59 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
11:47:00 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
11:47:00 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
11:47:00 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
11:47:00 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
11:47:00 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
11:47:00 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
11:47:00 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9123).
11:47:00 Physical Recovery Complete: 31 Pages Examined, 31 Pages Restored.
11:47:00 Logical Recovery Started.
11:47:00 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
11:47:00 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
11:47:00 Logical Recovery Complete.
2024 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
11:47:01 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
11:47:01 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
11:47:01 Global Row Counter(Reset) 34359738368 00000000
11:47:01 Init operation complete - Mode Online
11:47:01 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
11:47:01 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x373018, timestamp: 0x4ffb1f Interval: 211
11:47:01 Maximum server connections 0
11:47:01 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 47, Llog used 2
11:47:01 On-Line Mode
11:47:06 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
11:47:06 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
11:47:06 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
11:47:06 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
11:47:06 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 11:47:06 2011
11:47:06 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
11:47:06 Booting Language <c> from module <>
11:47:06 Loading Module <CNULL>
11:47:06 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
11:47:06 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
11:47:12 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
11:47:12 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
11:47:12 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
11:47:13 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
11:47:13 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
11:47:13 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
11:47:13 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
11:47:13 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
11:47:13 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
11:47:13 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9170).
11:47:13 Physical Recovery Complete: 1 Pages Examined, 1 Pages Restored.
11:47:13 Logical Recovery Started.
11:47:13 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
11:47:14 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
11:47:14 Logical Recovery Complete.
0 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
11:47:15 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
11:47:15 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
11:47:15 Global Row Counter(Reset) 38654705664 00000000
11:47:15 Init operation complete - Mode Online
11:47:15 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
11:47:15 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x376018, timestamp: 0x4ffb40 Interval: 212
11:47:15 Maximum server connections 0
11:47:15 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 5, Llog used 2
11:47:15 On-Line Mode
11:47:18 SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
11:47:19 Booting Language <spl> from module <>
11:47:19 Loading Module <SPLNULL>
11:47:19 SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
11:47:20 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
11:47:20 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
12:14:46 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
12:14:46 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
12:14:46 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
12:14:46 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
12:14:46 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 12:14:46 2011
12:14:46 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
12:14:46 Booting Language <c> from module <>
12:14:46 Loading Module <CNULL>
12:14:46 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
12:14:46 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
12:14:52 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
12:14:52 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
12:14:52 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
12:14:53 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
12:14:53 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9175).
12:14:53 Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages Restored.
12:14:53 Logical Recovery Started.
12:14:53 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
12:14:54 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
12:14:54 Logical Recovery Complete.
15 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
12:14:55 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
12:14:55 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
12:14:55 Init operation complete - Mode Quiescent
12:14:55 Global Row Counter(Reset) 42949672960 00000000
12:14:55 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
12:14:55 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x3830b4, timestamp: 0x4ffe5a Interval: 213
12:14:55 Maximum server connections 0
12:14:55 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 22, Llog used 1
12:14:55 Quiescent Mode
12:15:00 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
12:15:00 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
12:16:30 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
12:16:30 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
12:16:30 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
12:16:30 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
12:16:30 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 12:16:31 2011
12:16:31 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
12:16:31 Booting Language <c> from module <>
12:16:31 Loading Module <CNULL>
12:16:31 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
12:16:31 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
12:16:37 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
12:16:37 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
12:16:37 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
12:16:38 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
12:16:38 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9197).
12:16:38 Physical Recovery Complete: 1 Pages Examined, 1 Pages Restored.
12:16:38 Logical Recovery Started.
12:16:38 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
12:16:39 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
12:16:39 Logical Recovery Complete.
0 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
12:16:40 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
12:16:40 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
12:16:40 Init operation complete - Mode Quiescent
12:16:40 Global Row Counter(Reset) 47244640256 00000000
12:16:40 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
12:16:40 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x3850b4, timestamp: 0x4ffe6e Interval: 214
12:16:40 Maximum server connections 0
12:16:40 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 5, Llog used 1
12:16:40 Quiescent Mode
12:16:45 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
12:16:45 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
12:17:09 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
12:17:09 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
12:17:09 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
12:17:09 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
12:17:09 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 12:17:09 2011
12:17:09 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
12:17:09 Booting Language <c> from module <>
12:17:09 Loading Module <CNULL>
12:17:09 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
12:17:09 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
12:17:15 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
12:17:15 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
12:17:15 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
12:17:16 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
12:17:16 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
12:17:16 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
12:17:16 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
12:17:16 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
12:17:16 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
12:17:16 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9202).
12:17:16 Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages Restored.
12:17:16 Logical Recovery Started.
12:17:16 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
12:17:17 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
12:17:17 Logical Recovery Complete.
0 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
12:17:18 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
12:17:18 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
12:17:18 Global Row Counter(Reset) 51539607552 00000000
12:17:18 Init operation complete - Mode Online
12:17:18 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
12:17:18 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x388018, timestamp: 0x4ffe91 Interval: 215
12:17:18 Maximum server connections 0
12:17:18 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 3, Llog used 2
12:17:18 On-Line Mode
12:17:21 SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
12:17:22 Booting Language <spl> from module <>
12:17:22 Loading Module <SPLNULL>
12:17:22 SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
12:17:23 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
12:17:23 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
12:42:46 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
12:42:46 Warning: The IBM IDS Developer Edition license restriction limits
12:42:46 the total shared memory size for this server to 1048576 KB.
12:42:46 The maximum allowable shared memory was reset to this size to start the database server.
12:42:46 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 32656KB to 32704KB
Wed Aug 03 12:42:46 2011
12:42:46 Warning: ONCONFIG dump directory (DUMPDIR) 'C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\Informix\11.70\tmp' has insecure permissions
12:42:46 Booting Language <c> from module <>
12:42:46 Loading Module <CNULL>
12:42:46 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
12:42:46 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
12:42:52 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
12:42:52 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
12:42:52 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.TC1DE Software Serial Number AAA#B000000
12:42:53 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory Initialized.
12:42:53 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
12:42:53 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
12:42:53 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
12:42:53 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
12:42:53 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
12:42:53 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:9205).
12:42:53 Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages Restored.
12:42:53 Logical Recovery Started.
12:42:53 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
12:42:54 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
12:42:54 Logical Recovery Complete.
18 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
12:42:55 Onconfig parameter STORAGE_FULL_ALARM modified from 0 to 3.
12:42:55 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
12:42:55 Global Row Counter(Reset) 55834574848 00000000
12:42:55 Init operation complete - Mode Online
12:42:55 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.
12:42:55 Wed Aug 03 - loguniq 250, logpos 0x398018, timestamp: 0x5009f0 Interval: 216
12:42:55 Maximum server connections 0
12:42:55 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns blocked 0, Plog used 19, Llog used 2
12:42:55 On-Line Mode
12:42:58 SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
12:42:58 Booting Language <spl> from module <>
12:42:58 Loading Module <SPLNULL>
12:42:58 SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
12:43:00 Defragmenter cleaner thread now running
12:43:00 Defragmenter cleaner thread cleaned:0 partitions
Can't insert the whole file here because the message is then too long to post. However, here is the shared memory section:
# Shared Memory Configuration Parameters
# RESIDENT - Controls whether shared memory is resident.
# Acceptable values are:
# 0 off (default)
# 1 lock the resident segment only
# n lock the resident segment and the next n-1
# virtual segments, where n < 100
# -1 lock all resident and virtual segments
# SHMBASE - The shared memory base address; do not change
# SHMVIRTSIZE - The initial size, in KB, of the virtual
# segment of shared memory
# SHMADD - The size, in KB, of additional virtual shared
# memory segments
# EXTSHMADD - The size, in KB, of each extension shared
# memory segment
# SHMTOTAL - The maximum amount of shared memory for IDS,
# in KB. A 0 indicates no specific limit.
# SHMVIRT_ALLOCSEG - Controls when IDS adds a memory segment and
# the alarm level if the memory segment cannot
# be added.
# For the first field, acceptable values are:
# - 0 Disabled
# - A decimal number indicating the percentage
# of memory used before a segment is added
# - The number of KB remaining when a segment
# is added
# For the second field, specify an alarm level
# from 1 (non-event) to 5 (fatal error).
# SHMNOACCESS - A list of up to 10 memory address ranges
# that IDS cannot use to attach shared memory.
# Each address range is the start and end memory
# address in hex format, separated by a hyphen.
# Use a comma to separate each range in the list.
SHMBASE 0xc000000L